Monthly Archives: April 2023

Medical Tourism between the United States and Mexico

Medical tourism is the practice of traveling to a foreign country to receive medical care, which may include treatments not available in the patient’s home country, or treatments at a lower cost than their home country. Medical tourism between the United States and Mexico has been popular for many years and continues to grow.

For Americans seeking medical care in Mexico, the country offers a variety of medical services that are significantly less expensive than those found in the United States. According to a study conducted by the Medical Tourism Association, medical procedures in Mexico were up to 75% cheaper than those performed in the United States. For instance, basic medical care such as an office visit in Mexico can cost as little as $20, while the same visit in America averages around $100. In addition, the cost of major treatments such as hip replacements, or heart bypass surgeries can be as much as $25,000 less in Mexico than in the US.

In addition to lower prices, Mexico offers world-class medical services in a variety of specialties, including cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Mexico also boasts innovative treatments and technologies, and doctors who have been trained in the US and abroad.

Traveling to Mexico for medical care also has the benefit of convenience. With international airports located in both Mexico City and Cancun, it is easy for travelers to access the necessary world-class medical care. Additionally, many of the medical centers, hospitals and clinics in Mexico are located near popular tourist destinations, and many offer medical packages which include airfare and accommodations.

While medical tourism is becoming increasingly popular between the United States and Mexico, it is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure quality medical care. Specifically, researchers advise patients to research the doctor and facility before booking, and search out any reviews or references that may be available. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the doctor and their staff speak a language the patient is comfortable with. Lastly, if possible, patients should tour the facility and make sure that quality of care meets their expectations.

The potential cost savings, and the convenience, of traveling to Mexico for medical treatments have made it an attractive option for Americans. Mexico’s world-class health care providers and facilities, reputable doctors and convenient access to quality medical care make it an ideal destination for medical tourists. As long as precautions are taken, medical tourism in Mexico can be a rewarding and cost-effective experience.