Every place is different when it comes to the health of a certain group of people. For one may live in the mountains, and in turn find himself/herself dealing with an extensive amount of respiratory problems due to the high altitude. A similar case of such can be seen for those located in highly polluted areas, as it can cause a plethora of respiratory problems for them as well. But weather, and/or environment is not the only factor that can cause one’s health to deteriorate, for sometimes it isn’t one’s surroundings, but instead what one subjects himself/herself to.
As a result-when putting climate aside-an extensive amount of research shows the most prominent health risks that people might in fact place upon themselves, no matter the country, state, province, etc. Two places in which we see variations in the health of the people are in both France and Canada. But what is going on in each location?
First and foremost is France where we find that “cancer is the leading cause of death in France, accounting for 25%. However, these are gender differences: 33% of all deaths among men were related to cancer, while this portion was lower among women (24%).” Not only that, but “cardiovascular diseases accounted for the greatest share of female deaths (27%).” But it is with such that we see the potential cause(s), coming in the form of smoking in young teens. Similarly, we see the health risk of cancer in that of Canadians, as well as “cancer and other major chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and diabetes continue to be the leading causes of death amongst all Canadians.” Not only that, but a comparison can be drawn again as factors for the diseases that Canada faces are also contributing to substance abuse in youths-no matter whether it be through drugs or alcohol.
In conclusion, it is only through seeing the trends in Canada, France, and others that one can become more informed and literate to such, and action can then be taken in an attempt to improve the health of the general population. But, such change must first begin with the individuals themselves if they are taking part in activities that weaken their health, rather than strengthening it. For, in every country certain factors cannot be helped, but for one to make changes in his/her health-and/or in the areas that one is able to-can still make all the difference.